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The Talos Principle 2 Review (PS5)

Croteam is best known for creating Serious Sam, but while the latest iterations of the B category action hero’s adventures were nothing to really celebrate, the puzzle game developed by the same team marches forward quite nicely. The second part of the Talos Principle does not settle for being just a remarkable puzzle game, it wants to create a new genre, or at the very least a sub-genre.

The Talos Principle 2 is defined as a philosophical puzzle game. It wants to be a deeply intellectual endeavor, raising questions about moral issues and trying to define what makes us human, way deeper than a biological level. In reality the game itself is more of a manifesto that tries to differentiate itself from the popular genres of the moment, justifying the nine years that have passed since the release of the first game.

The Talos Principle is generally viewed as one of the best puzzle games ever released, so the second part had some big shoes to fill. The developers wanted … (read more)

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