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For the King II Review (PC)

The Hobgoblin Butcher might be a side quest boss, but he is one of the more capable enemies I have faced. It might have been a relatively easy battle if he was alone, but he is backed up by a strong force, including a warlock that’s using magic to disrupt my attacks and a sniper that’s delivering too many critical hits. I might have to use many of my healing items to get through this.

My Herbalist delivers a party heal to make sure no one dies soon and then strikes a marauder for some decent damage. The Blacksmith uses a focus charge to try and get someone dazed but that attempt fails. A fireball from the Scholar eliminates the enemy archer and deals some damage to the Butcher himself, who then manages to miss my Stablehand with his own attack. I might say that things are going well but I don’t want to jinx it.

Unfortunately, my luck runs out as the warlock eliminates the Herbalist with his next attack. It’s now three against three and my chances aren’t great. More… (read more)

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